Mrs. Kris Groth
Bachelor of Science in Education
Graduated from Martin Luther College (2000)
Serving at Grace Lutheran School since 2019
In 2000 Mrs. Groth served as a teacher’s assistant for 1st and 2nd grades in the mornings and taught 6th – 8th grades in the afternoons. Mrs. Groth served at both North Trinity and Redemption in Milwaukee. In 2001 Mrs. Groth served at St. Phillip’s in Milwaukee and taught 3rd & 4th grades. She taught 4-year-old kindergarten from 2003 to 2005 at St. Phillip’s.
After 14 years of being a stay-at-home mom in Michigan, God brought her family to Arizona when her husband accepted a call to teach at ALA in 2019. Grace called Mrs. Groth to teach grades 3-8 in the mornings to help departmentalize the upper grades. In November of 2019, she was asked to teach grades 1 & 2, which is where she currently serves at Grace.